Twitter Updates for 2007-08-30

@dalekmad happy birthday Vanessa! (real birthday) back to school on yer birthday 🙁 for the last year of primary # RTÉ May 1-31 requested PODCASTS daily average 9431 total month 292,373 source RTE website / ABC electronic # Trolley Watch: 28/08 total 174(+49) ~~~ 29/08 total 132(-42) source # @eirepreneur or "how about a…

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Twitter Updates for 2007-08-28

@redmum seen on news at one behind gilmore and run out of shot # RTE weather at 1pm makes big fuss over Aertel 888 subtitles. RTE DTT signal in Dublin has no teletext and the analog is too poor for text # listening to Guardian Unlimited Media talk Podcast at the Edinburgh TV festival –…

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Twitter Updates for 2007-08-27

Taleban launch pirate radio station,Voice of Shariat;record opium harvest;friendly fire kills troops. but the kidz in Kabul are flying kites # deleting 46124 spam since March ’07 454MB 🙂 # Blumers, in-cider trading – nothing added but CRIME! # cnn report: Embattled U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales intends to resign :: that should fill the…

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Twitter Updates for 2007-08-26

@damienmulley @topgold if my car is photoed breaking the speed limit & I’m driving the wife gets points. btw she & i have zero points. # transferable points: this allows someone on the threshold of disqualification to offset point to another to stay on the road – a bit irish! # figuring twitter;as @damienmulley does…

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Twitter Updates for 2007-08-25

listening to BBC WS radio on 1west, Zell Kravinsky interview. news of Manuel Noriega, he’s off to France for a 10 year term in jail. 🙂 # @conoro no i can not confirm Castro’s death, wishful blogging; read the Cuban 5 story. # mobile off for an hour to get a decent charge.. wifi is…

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Twitter Updates for 2007-08-24

@conn if its like my DOB its false # if you exclude categories with query_post in wordpress, you risk fecking up internal pagination. dont do it, there are better, harder ways # Irish Hospitals Trolley Watch 23/08/2007 Total 121(-36) East Region 83 Rest of Country 38 source: 24/08/2007 not available. # @deekdeekster in response…

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Twitter Updates for 2007-08-23

@conn Dora colouring "fill your mochila with it" 579 & 57a # BBC reported 200 million were affected by Skype outage. so why is there never more than 9million logged in? it an always on product aint it? # @deekdeekster the briangreene timezone is 24 hours I dip most from 4-8am which is pacific…

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Twitter Updates for 2007-08-21

wondering what a working class version of RTEradio1 wud soundlike; mcguirk & tubridy producers must be on bonus 2 find middle class wannabes # looking for a good configurable blogroll widget for latest wordpress? any candidates? # @DeekDeekster classic! echo 2 doop’ers and @dojodub >> John Cleese podcast #25 is up: Cindy, Mindy, Man…

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