Twitter Updates for 2007-08-27

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  • Taleban launch pirate radio station,Voice of Shariat;record opium harvest;friendly fire kills troops. but the kidz in Kabul are flying kites #
  • deleting 46124 spam since March ’07 454MB 🙂 #
  • Blumers, in-cider trading – nothing added but CRIME! #
  • cnn report: Embattled U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales intends to resign
    :: that should fill the week on air america radio #
  • wow – just spoke to someone I hadn’t spoken to in 14 years.,,, hello John Walsh. ex Big Beat & Century Radio News #
  • I deleted 4GB of spam today – I feel good #
  • reading Revolution! Clandestine Radio and the Rise of Fidel Castro In contras… Read more at #
  • @kenmcguire im flying to Birmingham for €98;my renault is sick again;AXA will tow it to garage 2moro 4free, I expect to pay €225 for service #

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