THE BRITISH authorities have decided to exclude the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant in Cumbria from an imminent round of stress tests on European nuclear installations. The move comes despite indications to Minister for the Environment Phil Hogan from British energy secretary Chris Huhne that the stress tests would include Sellafield. Voluntary tests on Europe’s 143…
Norman Cook / Beats International – For Spacious Lies
Norman Cook – For Spacious Lies by umusic you can buy what money buys and call it friends,you can lie with spacious lies for ur own endsdemocracy is just a word its often used and seldom heardand freedoms just a song but why do but we pretendyou can call your tv priests be born againthe…
Obama in Dublin [picture via BBC]
king news for Queen from Sky
not our David Norris
It’s not cricket
sophie made some CD glasses for charlotte
2 used CDssellotape and an old hair bandphoto via vanessa’s N95
Telegram: found our €10 coin. pawn shop here we come, if I can get past the police beating people away from The Queen
check which century this is.
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh – Guinness
Lawmaker: Irish should not roll out ‘green carpet’ for Queen Elizabeth –
STORY HIGHLIGHTS Queen Elizabeth makes first state by UK monarch to Ireland since independence in 1921 Lawmaker Joe Higgins says Irish government should spend money on jobs instead Higgins: We must hold rulers responsible for crimes they preside over, such as invasion of Iraq Editor’s Note: Lawmaker Joe Higgins is a Member of the Dáil…