a draft undraft in WP fools twitter tools plugin! # at Irish Microsoft Technology Conference last thursday;Girl from Irish Dev surveys me.Whats yer job title?mm mm m mmm are they still in use? # google wars “McJob” = 196,000 “yellow pack worker” = 2; but which is better paid? # reading the Dublin Slang Dictionary…
Twitter Updates for 2007-06-10
my 3 girls just discovered internet shopping; the end of the world as we know it # charlotte has chicken pox # Powered by Twitter Tools.
bebo what’s the story
whats the story bebo you send me three emails from friends. you say Please confirm story about XXXX Brian xxxx has written a story about how you know one another. Please click below to confirm this story: http://www.bebo.com/confirmstory/xxxx 8< but when I go to that page there is no story. I’m asked to write a…
my searches – google web history
google web history says I do most of my searches on Saturday at 2pm my employers will be happy to read! oh i work for doop.ie/myself, my family wont be happy 🙁 I have followed one sponsored link (ever) to StillorganPark.com searching back through some video searches I made I found that a video that…
music in a podcast
ABC national radio has an intro disclaimer on the start of a music podcast [rss] that explains that songs ARE shortened to meet copyright demands but the intro goes on to explain that at a url provided has the whole show which can be heard with full songs ‘on demand’. At a recent IIA event…
Twitter Updates for 2007-06-09
this feed issue i’m having is back, its now down to my theme! default and classic fail but almost spring work…?? more head wreak # think im going to miss the Balcony TV awards in sugar club tonight,, BBQ in Dundalk. :0 [btw its free in to BTV] # each time i think i fix…
Twitter Updates for 2007-06-08
@conoro traffic free cork; 80’s flashback or opening scene of vanilla sky? # false spam alert on our sever by hotmail! 🙁 do we have to stop aliases now? [joke goes] this kangaroo walks into a court [joke ends] # I scanned 28East this morning 1000 channels, nothing on, 753TV 247Radio (351/247 FTA) not including…
If saw wi-tricity in Howth in the mid 1980’s. a Hobbyist radio engineer Frank Decker from Grace O’Malley showed me and my twin brother how to use incandescent light bulb as a dummy load for a FM radio transmitter. [for the non geek readers why dummy load? its like taking full output and soaking it…
Twitter Updates for 2007-06-07
podpress is still messing with my blog feed needed english-ireland to give en# Powered by Twitter Tools.