IDEA open meeting

IRISH DOCTORS’ ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATION Open Meeting Date;Fri. 23rd Feb. 07 Venue Tailors Hall, Back Lane,Dublin 8 (Near Christ Church). HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT 11.30 – 13.00 Dr. Elizabeth Cullen – Health Implications of ClimateChange. Michael McKeon – Mercury in the Environment Ms.Juliet Duff and Dr Ohnesorge Ecohealth Education. 14.15 – 16.00 Dr. Vyvyan Howard –…

Balcony TiVo

for the record. I got wind of the balcony TV take down from Inga in Boston who is on a different time zone to me. I did my usual 5 hours sleep but started at 11pm so was up at 4:30am. saw the issue. blogged it, and while I blogged it I was so pissed,…

does technology news only happen on friday

RTÉ has a new tech news portal and a fine looking thing it is. the content is of high quality too. its in conjunction with and the site is here. but my 2KB of woe with this is that, for purchased-in content, why does this ‘portal’ make the old mistakes of web 1.0…

benefits of squatting

I Squatted Your .EU writes EUBrowser Loses UDRP – isn’t buy and sell up 4 sale! my comment failed to submit over on that blog so here it tiz the amount of inbound google searches to my blog for makes it clear to me, bebo is leaking at the till for these lost…

Categorized as technology

MTV gives youtube the sack reports For the second time in four months, Viacom has demanded that the video-sharing site remove all content from its networks, including MTV, Comedy Central, Nickelodeon, VH1, CMT, Spike TV and BET, an estimated 100,000 clips total, after licensing talks broke down. see also will youtube give mtv the sack (25/1)

PayPal digital cert signer unknown as of today

something i noticed today. The certificate for “” is signed by the unknown Certificate Authority “VeriSign Trust Network”. It is not possible to verify that this is a valid certificate this is happening on this blog page for a paypal https located button image call. happening in FF2 & Opera9.01 but IE7 is cool about…

Categorized as technology

vodafone hit by viral spam

a viral txt message is doing the rounds on the vodafone network in Ireland, the viral message asks recipients to txt 10 friends (on vodafone network) the news that vodafone 2 vodafone txts are free for life. when you have sent the tenth message you are promised €5 extra credit, then the message signs off…

DVD & CD Drawers

why design DVD drawers that close on push when 1. the remote has an open/close button 2. the front panel has the same 3. the mechanics are not designed to take a push close for a sustained use! i also would love to find the person in Dell that designed a DVD drawer in a…

Categorized as technology

BBC Licence Fee to rise £19.50

sky are reporting BREAKING NEWS, BBC Licence Fee to rise £19.50 by 2012, a 3% year on year rise. also just out 21 million ipods sold in the last 3 months. apple up 78%