EU: shape up or ship out?

hedge funds owners betting in the capitalist casino have designs on the Euro but there is strength in unity – europe is hanging together or they will hang separately perhaps this saga will expose the policies of the pro capitalist EU and the pro capitalist leaders of its member countries. This month the EU is…

Socialist Party condemns privatisation of VHI

Press Statement from Joe Higgins MEP (Socialist Party) *Proposed Privatisation of VHI:  Throwing the Old and the Sick to the Wolves in the Financial Markets *Will Finish Up as Discredited as Privatisation of Telecom and Team Aer Lingus *Resources should be deployed towards a universal public health care system “The announcement yesterday by Minister Harney…

tonic for your phonic

WTF? does OFCOM not regulate specialist TV channels for on air sound? Ahlebait TV 12523Mhz 27500Ksps H FEC 2/3 Feedback on on-air live phone calls. And the African religious services with 200% distortion. Do these service operators strive to get these low standards to fit it with their stereotype of national broadcasters back home? like…

someone’s looking at ya – the surveillance of Michael Lowry TD

the Irish Emigrant archive is a national treasure, thanks to Liam & Pauline Ferrie > > > > > SURVEILLANCE OPERATION Issue 444, 7 August 1995:  – Stories of a surveillance operation on Minister for Transport, Energy   and Communications have persisted throughout the week. At first it   was suggested that Mr Lowry was being shadowed…