practicing what he is preaching Michele Neylon blogs that he has set up his company’s corporate blog for Blacknight Solutions.
Michele led a talk on blogging at the Hilton in Dublin for the IIA (interim Iraqi administration / no Irish Internet Association) . The talk took the format of a talk which mingled as a workshop come panel discussion where the panel was the audience.
Blogging was explained; dissected and debated for over 3 hours that could easily filled a day, or had break outs for beginners and power bloggers, but I think the assembled audience benefited by having newbies and power users in the same room.
One use of blogging that I wanted to add to Michele’s list was news clipping, blogging tools are ideal for this, no commentary no comments, just a place like ‘Dear Diary’, that one can clip and store ideas for future look up, ie. if it was important enough to clip there, it will be worth retrieving at a later date.
The attendance at the event was like a who’s who of Irish Internet circa 1995. Nice to see Bernie, Colm, Fred, Frank, Denise et al. Many of the Early web adopters were out to learn a thing or two bout 2.0 and blogging.
I hope the blacknight blog brings business blogging to new places.
[authored in performancing – as seen at the Hilton on Michele’s demo :]
[first draft looked crap – half way between wysiwyg and html. fixed now. this blagging might catch on! oops ‘blogging’ :]