taken in the PSLC count centre Dublin North by RedMum
go Harvey Norman
Hardly Normal but.
old school days
when I was in primary school i can hardly remember getting days off, so much so they were special. Nowadays school kids need and use google calendars to track days off, holidays, in service days, half days, first fridays, parent teacher afternoons, mid terms, end of terms; bank holidays and summer hols. It would be…
great new music from the unsocial networx
all approved and befriend by mmbhg mudville : kind of girl radio : karen jordan : richiemccoy: steve whelan band i should be able to drag & drop these into a window and make a playlist for you with their #1 tracks and stream it at you. With all links back to myspace adverts, call…
i think this tigers turned outa control
eleanor mcevoy – fields of dublin 4
in praise of Microsoft
conn at edgecast.ie wrote After a heroic editing marathon, Brian has just published the entire suite of podcasts from Thursday’s conference. If you weren’t there (or if you spent the day networking in the corridors), you can now take in the presentations and discussions at your leisure. Well done Brian – and well done Microsoft…
Concern Blogs
Concern the Irish NGO has begun blogging at www.concern.net welcome to the blogosphere concern.