Twitter Updates for 2007-06-06

my blog feed is on hunger strike WP2.2 & PodPress 7.4 conflict dropped to 7.0 for now. # testing twitter tools from me blog then sleeping. long day over. # 🙂 # number one result for Anti-Theft Movement in google is # post producing the Rabo podcasts recorded may25 in a marathon recoding…

Categorized as twitter

Twitter Updates for 2007-06-05

@conoro if the wind at cork airport goes over 29KT (a force 5 Gale) @wxman will tweet a Gale warning @corkprops. please advise if this is ok # first Paris Hilton now Scooter Libby, jail is getting too posh for the ordinary decent criminal # big sis outa hospital after 17 days. long queue for…

Categorized as twitter

wake up to volunteering

You spend hours in gridlock to return to a county other that the one you work in, one you began commuting from home 14 hours ago. Your next in line to get off the slip road and onto the regional pothole network that will take you home, its 7.45PM and you haven’t seen your kids…

Categorized as enviro

rubik’s cube

flashback to my youth. 80’s icon. The Rubik’s Cube in Java Applet. Reset – Alt-R Scramble – Alt-S Best Time 46Sec