Twitter Updates for 2007-06-06

Published Categorized as twitter
  • my blog feed is on hunger strike WP2.2 & PodPress 7.4 conflict dropped to 7.0 for now. #
  • testing twitter tools from me blog then sleeping. long day over. #
  • 🙂 #
  • number one result for Anti-Theft Movement in google is #
  • post producing the Rabo podcasts recorded may25 in a marathon recoding session, great intros by sean moncrieff; links 2 follow much later #
  • loving the transparency of my new PNG icon on twitter, also its scalability and size! from bebo re Baghdad Logo “whats the insurgents line?” #
  • rte should podcast Vincent Browne (again) #
  • No newsDay:GP/FF talks going nowhere,4th arrest in Swords murder;job cuts in HSE,Kenny wont concede defeat,Russia no threat to EUR says Bu$h #
  • why do rely exclusively on TV screengrabs as images;should have staff photographers/reporters on the scene! a 5MP camera wud B better #
  • RTE images: bad example a kid on a bus with a camera phone could do better. #
  • Whats the story with open wifi networks are they there to be used? #
  • Pauline is at George Michael in the RDS so I can go to the Balcony TV awards Saturday? #
  • you technically can’t babysit your own children; its called your turn! #
  • anyone going to Irish Microsoft Technology Conference in Dublin 2moro? #
  • looking at marx n sparks viral scam going around the email system at the moment. #

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