Twitter Updates for 2007-06-15

looking for # H365 nameservers not so healthy # @review Yoplait 4tub yogurt [barcode:5011039157660] overkill on packaging 4 plastic tubs wrapped in cardboard sleeve then wrapped in plastic # the bebo itunes many bebo’ers have credit card itunes account? how many could? soundz beyond the userbase to happen easily. # bebo itunes move…

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Twitter Updates for 2007-06-14

just moved my disco landing page to a blog part of the exit plan… # On DART to LASC training listening 2 Carmina on ipod running down the battery # Powered by Twitter Tools.

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Teflon® 10 year guarantee

bizarre day; i walked contra flow to the traffic of TDs heading to the Mass on westland row for the blessing of the 30th Dail 🙂 Major govt. limo pile up outside the church with Special Branch escort to get to holy communion in time, before confession. Bless me father for i have sinned (big…

Twitter Updates for 2007-06-13

@TrevorSargent 13/06/07 to do List: Blend GP into FF &get 76% vote, resign party leadership, remember Shannon Rossport Sellafield & Peak Oil # [FN] residents of Varse in Northern Italy have pleaded with thieves to return the letter V in their town name; is Fr. Jack on tour in Italy? # @conn morning ireland podcast…

Categorized as twitter

Fast Twitter on the Green Party Result

mmbhg was trigger fastest or was he?. a little birdie tells me that I wasn’t first with the news was first. freenews is me 🙂 linux cmd line news to twitter. the GP do not need reminding……. its time.. it closer than we think .. 50 years after windscale 10/10/07

RTE on DAB six new stations

over on the podcasting news ireland blog i wonder if the six choices on offer are best I set myself a task to think of 6 stations rte should air on digital. remember digital has the space for the niches not the masses. 1. RTE Polska – 150K plus Polish community 2. RTE United –…

Categorized as radio

Green’s on Shannon

page 32 of the Green Party 2007 manifesto * end the use of Shannon Airport by US military forces involved in the war in Iraq; * insist that any aircraft suspected of involvement in illegal movements of prisoners must be searched. the bolded item as bolded in the manifesto seems to be the one that…

Twitter Updates for 2007-06-12

added ticker scroller timelines for me & friends to to of # wow 10:27am 12/06/2007 UPS kicked in for real! Thanks Louis! # 9am was listening to BBC Radio Devon’s 801khz & other UK local radio Cumbria, Lancashire & magic 1142 Manchester. love radio hate ILR format # batch converting 20 x MSV to…

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