embed code test qued.tv

It has been a while since I did any updates to qued.tv. One development that has been lurking around in the background has been embed code for qued audio & video including the cuepoints. So i decided to release it as unready as it may be, thanks to peter donegan for pushing me to make…

Census backs up 1.8M registration target for #householdtax

The 2011 Census and an analysis by a Maynooth academic clearly show that more than 1.8 million households must register for the Household Tax and not 1.6 million as the government is spinning. NUI Maynooth academic, Rob Kitchin, outlined on RTE radio and in an analysis http://irelandafternama.wordpress.com/2012/04/01/household-charge-numbers/ that there are 1,994,845 dwellings in the state.…

Philly? don’t be silly

Philly don’t be a hero don’t be a fool with your (political) life.Don’t be a bully either.#householdtax