w800i podcatcher

I got my w800i sony walkman phone today; the day meteor messed up credit control, blocked my phone & over charged me. You see the postal service is being run down so much that the lag time between bill arriving and cheques arriving is so expanded up to 16 days that monthly billing is running…

Podcasting Research

snipped from http://peterchen.members.grokthis.net/research a number of interesting relationships between audience size and show characteristics are examined. Some key findings include: * Episode frequency exerts a strong influence on audience size, with the release of daily episodes demonstrating the highest average audience size. Presently, most shows are produced on a weekly basis, * There are few…

Categorized as podcasting

car, 54, where r u

I heard it reported on RTE 2FM that the average Dublin commute time is 54 minutes according to the CSO. So if podcasts are tailored to suit average commute times, Dublin podcasters beware. “Dubliners love their cars” the commute time has also expanded because of the widening of the commuter belt as the celtic tiger…


The IIA podcast has been launched. You can hear the full proceedings of the Irish Internet Association & CheetahMail Net Visionary Awards Winners 2005 on the podcast. The feed for the podcast is at http://www.netvisionary.ie/rss.xml or you can listen to the MP3 here. The podcast was recorded and built by doop.ie and will also feature…

Categorized as podcasting

Near 101.6 FM interview Brian Greene

I was interviewed live on Near FM yesterday re podcasting and the representative body we are setting up. The show is called ‘Majority World’ here is a link to the interview

Categorized as podcasting