podcast shortlist

well thanks for all the support – 3 members of the PodRepBod got short listed for the net vis best podcastrer award.  Im up against some fine talent in Bernie Goldbach & Tom Raftery both bloggers turned podcasters. Wll done all. winner announced on nov16th – hang over on the 17th and an evening flight…

Categorized as podcasting

the business of podcasts

enough retro? i think it is great to look back on the time and see where we were at, and in a way, during the dot bomb fallout not a lot happened… 2001-2004 .. discuss. 🙂 as the wavelinks series was from esearch, it once again involved me working with my very good friend denise…

Categorized as podcasting

Phantom FM

“for the words of the prophet written on the studio wall, concert hall, echoes with the sounds of salesmen” …. remember when album sleeves had warnings on them, remember when the best radio in the city came from a fleet of abwood barna sheds? its back,,,, tuesday at noon 105.2FM on da radio phantom fm…

McWilliams V Higgins

David McWilliams V Joe Higgins TD, I have podcast both of these guys separately before but never together, so now I can Oct 20th the big debate. Teachers Club Parnell Square Dublin 8pm. 20/10/2006.

when podcasts are on strike

when podcasts are on strike workers of the world unite (and it sounds like this: mp3) ABC-Australia staffs vote to strike for better pay Journalists and other staff at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) said they are willing to strike in pursuit of better conditions, in what unions have tipped will be “a messy and…

16 years before ipod

16 years b.i. before podcasters there were lancasters mk2 this photo shot 18/09/2006 in radio.wxtc.net 10 months ago I sold 2x SL1210s and bought and iPod. I miss my records, iTunes emusic and allofthosemp3 sites dont have my record collection! i do. The size of them.. the kids were asking what they were, what they…