Tomorrow’s “Europe Day” is a cynical PR stunt

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Press Release (Paul Murphy MEP) 

Tomorrow's "Europe Day" is a cynical PR stunt to cover up austerity demanded by EU / ECB / IMF troika

Press Statement 8 May 2011

*Socialist Party MEP Paul Murphy describes celebration of “Europe Day� as cynical PR stunt to cover up austerity demanded by ‘"troika"

*Instead of a Europe for the millionaires, a Europe for the millions is needed

In advance of tomorrow’s “Europe Day�, Socialist Party MEP Paul Murphy has described the planned celebrations as a cynical and hypocritical PR stunt to cover up the savage austerity measures demanded by the EU / ECB / IMF troika.

Speaking ahead of his address to the Dail, Mr Murphy, who replaced Joe Higgins as MEP for Dublin in March, declared:

“The current European Union and the policies driven by the European Commission and Central Bank amount to austerity and cutbacks for the millions and handouts to the millionaires. I intend to use the occasion to oppose the slashing of living standards that is taking place across Europe in order to ensure the European banks and speculators get their money back.

“There are two Europes in our continent in reality. According to a Boston Consulting Group 2010 report, Europe was the wealthiest region in the world, accounting for one third of global wealth ($37.1 trillion), yet workers, young people, pensioners and the unemployed all face further slashing of their living standards.

“I reject the insinuation of Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn that those who oppose EU austerity are somehow anti-European. I reject the Europe of the banks and speculators but stand for the solidarity of working people all across Europe. Over the weekend, I spoke at the national conference of the Left Bloc in Portugal and I will shortly travel to Greece to bring the solidarity of Irish workers to their struggle. I stand for a European-wide fightback to oppose the European-wide austerity and bank bailouts.�


emphasis by bhg