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March and Rally – In Memory of Toyosi Shitta-Bey (This Saturday) | Joe Higgins.eu

To honour the memory of Toyosi Shitta-Bey, who tragically died last Friday, his family and friends are organising a march and rally to call on communities to unite against racism this Saturday. Please spread the word and encourage friends, family and colleagues to come along. Details are below: via joehiggins.eu Posted via web from web…

you’re toxic

  Download now or listen on posterous 01_Toxic.mp3 (4805 KB) Posted via web from web lab

If the UK Digital Economy Bill becomes law websites like YouTube could be blocked for showing content like this

http://bit.ly/DEBill If the UK Digital Economy Bill becomes law websites like YouTube could be blockedfor showing content like this. Your internet could be disconnected on suspicion of illegal activity (like watching YouTube mashups such as this one). If you wanted to challenge that you’d have to pay to go to court! Posted via web from…