2Fm News 4Pm 30/04/2010 by Gerry Ryan Rip Download now or listen on posterous gerry-ryan.mp3 (2072 KB) Posted via email from web lab
Month: April 2010
#iiaav i update what I think about youtube targeted adverts – this is good targeting for BBC adverts
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reblog: Penny Rimbaud plays Dublin
Penny Rimbaud plays Dublin Penny Rimbaud is a poet, drummer, writer, former member of the performance art group EXIT and co-founder of the anarchist punk band Crass, with Steve Ignorant in 1977. He also set up the anarchist/pacifist Dial House community in 1967 with Gee Vaucher and Phil Russell and helped to instigate the free…
ooh the XK724
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Connolly Shoes Dun Laoghaire – 2pm Saturday – Rally to support striking workers
press statement: Joe Higgins MEP supports striking Connolly Shoes workers · Striking Connolly Shoes workers in Dun Laoghaire deserve support of all trade unionists and wider community · Shops in Dun Laoghaire, Bray, Arklow and Camden Street should be boycotted to help force settlement for workers “The two workers sacked after 30 years service each…
Iceland’s Volcano – winter of discontent and a French revolution
The eruption also eventually killed tens of thousands of people on the Continent. Benjamin Franklin was in Paris at the time and was one of the first to connect the rapid change in local weather that collapsed European agriculture with a volcanic explosion. 1783 became known as the horrible “year without summer.” Europe plunged into…
Save the Rosslare to Waterford railway line
At a 1986 cost of over half a million punts, The Barrow Railway Bridge was repaired. 24 years later Irish Rail are closing the line. Does this sound like a waste of money? Here is a detailed article about the bridge and its repair and a background as to why the line was built at the…
16/04 Socialism 2010 Is there an alternative to the cuts? The Big Debate: Joe Higgins MEP vs Constantin Gurdgiev (TCD)
flyer Posted via web from web lab RECORDING http://url.ie/6afc
♫♫♫ Postcode Lottery by Wilful Missing [-_-]
Postcode Lottery by Wilful Missing Posted via web from web lab