Skin and Blisters – play & workshops

On Friday 6th November, Team Theatre visited St. Mary's Secondary School, Baldoyle.  They presented a new play, commissioned for them, called "Skin and Blisters" to our Second and Third Year students.  St. Mary's was one of only six schools in Fingal chosen to host the performance. The play dealt with the themes of body image, self esteem and…

International Week of Solidarity Against the Apartheid Walls in Palestine & the Siege of Gaza

The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign will be taking part in this year’s International Week of Solidarity called by the Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign ( They have called on international activists to launch a week of global mobilisation against the walls of apartheid in Palestine from November 9th to 16th 2009. The IPSC intend to use…

brian cowen speech opening the Google Wave offices head quartered at Healy-Rae House in Kerry

just got a leak of the opening line of the brian cowen speech opening the Google Wave offices head quartered at Healy-Rae House in Kerry, embargoed till April 1st 2013 (oh yes they win the next election with the help of the IMF & Hamid Karzai's director of elections) "We are an island nation surrounded…