bhg masked

the whiskers are my own  Posted via email from web lab

get up stand up To play mp3s in your browser, you will need to have Javascript turned on and have Flash Player 9 or better installed. Posted via email from web lab

radio bicycle [1970’s]

@dojodub reminded me of this radio today, you had to zig zag your way home to hear Radio Dublin 253m in Inchicore but Diamond 199 in Fairview was perfect until you turned left near the shops. what a silly design. but it worked better than indoor DAB on offer from RTÉ today. Posted via email…

Vx EMR wimax

1. My Palm Vx is back to life 2. Con Colbert searching for radiation (EMR) with me today 3. Ratoath service station advert for wimax See and download the full gallery on posterous Posted via email from web lab

CKUT Montréal

listen live #radio Posted via email from web lab

Carbon Tax: Climate change as well as regime change begins at home /new blog post/

A woman with Lupas is in hospital going on 7 months now. Her husband visits her every day. He drives through 5 post codes on a 25 mile round trip. Does this couple need to pay a carbon tax? PfG says Yes. Where is the social element in that?  The green party believe in personal carbon quotas [via ]…