World View Radio

My new banner head on the blog is not just about funky design, it is the radio glass as one would view through it looking out on the world. Metaphorically speaking or not radio still offers one of the best outward looking world views. via MW SW LW internet streaming radio & podcasting and via…

T-5Y: Dublin riot police arrest war opponents

ABC News Reported Thu Apr 3, 2003 11:46am AEST Irish police wearing riot gear have clashed with protesters outside the gates of the country’s parliament in central Dublin, a spokesman said. “Two people have been arrested in connection with public order offences,” the spokesman said. About 400 anti-war activists staged a sit-down at the Kildare…

Breaking News has Breaking Video News

Hats off to TCM breaking news video looks good I added two features myself. NO AUTOSTART (please TCM) and I added a default still image. TCM please enclose (enclosure tag) the rich media in your RSS so I can see/hear it in my RSS reader.

Kate Aide on Dublin Pirates 30 years ago

[audio:] The audio track of a BBC TV news report about the upsurge in ‘pirate activity’ on the airwaves of Dublin. This was broadcast on 31st May 1978. Hear a ‘young’ Kate Adie visit the Dublin stations in those early full time days. tnx & 73’s to the irish era for the clip

Mannion should step aside

Ex. Aer Lingus Chief Executive Willy Walsh is spectacularly proving in Heathrow T5 this weekend gone that airlines need staff. Not even £4.3billion alone makes it work, you need workers, working in their jobs to get the job done. Slashing the workforce, removing previously bargained conditions & taking money from workers pay packets does not…