Twitter Updates for 2007-08-14

doop’s new website goes live, why are in house designs the hardest? we love it! # twittermail said I could post by email and if twitter was down it wud keep trying, Twitter is ‘down all the days’ oh well as christy wud … # @conn sorted the staged area was locked off and…

Categorized as twitter

new podcast posted

t’was all of 4 months ago that I posted the last wxtc cast. we’re back see below tomorrow is the 40th aniversary of the UK’s Marine offences act RMG will relay Radio Caroline all day 14th!

Twitter Updates for 2007-08-12

reading about the death of Tony Wilson in ROLLING STONE off to sleep to the the sound of joy division / new order # awake since 9:09 looked at radio thought what is vallerie cox doing on BBC5Live. dawned on me 9:09am not 909khz MW # @lexia u can, little hacking;now friends are followers,is…

Categorized as twitter

Stick it to the politicians

John Gormley TD Minister for Environment is rethinking the sweetie deal Dick Roche TD gave the chewing gum industry. The fact remains that chewing gum causes the chewing gum problem but having seen a pack of chewing gum discarded on the ground as litter I can’t help but agree that in order for the gum…

Twitter Updates for 2007-08-10

netvibes has the universe can’t wait till I can build and share a who… Read more at # on a conf call to the doop Spanish office. idon’t need # @dojodub sending out an echo on this request; anyone runing podzilla on their ipod? # just got for ‘Ain’t no…

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