Twitter Updates for 2007-07-10

chipmunks are go! but is wordpress auto rolling enclosures from non obvious mp3’s that are tinyurl’s TWITTER UPDATE#767 # my iPod charger has just returned from holidays in italy, twas with a single 30 something woman! welcome home iPod charger. Bella ciao Nano. # declaring my love for technology again – the Perl Package…

Categorized as twitter

G 12√2

e.mp3 no fret 12√2

Categorized as music

Twitter Updates for 2007-07-09

@conn I chipmunked my first twittergram 🙂 LOL O Domhnaill Abu – make the hairs stand up on this anoraks neck near where the headphones sit # “Protect my updates Only let people whom I accept as friends read my updates” does that protect me from view in my friends_timeline rss; NO # @conoro search…

Categorized as twitter

Twitter Updates for 2007-07-08.

test shout # Got a new software TV for my DVB card;TV cards are a great buy, but I’ll soon need onboard HDTV mpeg4;might be time to go USB as PCI is full # @deekdeekster rather splendid better than jolly good? its a cracker tennis 2sets all 1game all fifth set # when…

Categorized as twitter

the B&I fed

When I was young I dreamed that Ireland would be United, Yes united with Great Britain so I could enter competitions and offers on the Wheatabix box. They ’81 happened and I kind of changed my views for a year, focusing my anger not on the peoples of the UK but Mrs T and the…

Categorized as politics