FIANNA FÁIL is again shamelessly engaging in political prostitution

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By Ryle Dwyer – Irish Examiner
FIANNA FÁIL is again shamelessly engaging in political prostitution. This time, the party is inviting people to pay €4,500 to join an exclusive club of party contributors.

Faced with the public outcry about the scheme, they resorted to pathetic efforts to justify it on the grounds that Eithne Fitzgerald of the Labour Party had invited people to mix with the then minister for finance in March 1996 at a constituency fundraising dinner for which they were being asked to pay £100 a plate. more

— bhg says
well what’s wrong with that! no friend of FF myself,
1. they are regularising something they have always done
2. they are clearly defining their support base
3. the envelopes won’t be brown
4. tax implications will be above board
5. if favours are given we will know through SIPO who gave them what
6. if some one is rich enough to pay €4,500 for dinner they could be automatically added to a rich list for super tax
7. the sooner people see that FF is no peoples party no workers party and Bertie no socialist the better, have your meet n greet dinners with ministers, but leave a verifiable audit trail.

on the other hand I don’t value a meeting with a Minister at €4,500. Think of the Gama workers on €2.20 an hour protesting for 5 days, only on the 5th day did they get round to visiting the minister for trade & holidays.

FF does not stand for froogle finances and I don’t give a Fiddlers F**k what they get up to in public, its the tented village people at the Galway races in the FF tent that do the real string pulling in Ireland, and thus our national emblem is a harp.