Dublin to have new TV station by mid-2005

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Dublin to have new TV station by mid-2005

The Broadcasting Commission of Ireland (BCI) has awarded a licence for a new television station for Dublin, to be called City Channel, which could be broadcasting by the summer. Backed by media entrepreneur David Harvey and a group of as-yet-unnamed investors, the station will initially be available to some 90,000 homes via the NTL digital platform. It will offer commercial and sponsored
programmes and raise revenues through sponsorship, advertising and premium text services. Mr Harvey said that City Channel will target areas which are not covered by rival broadcasters, such as property, motoring, shopping and local politics. [source Professional Ireland – emigrant Publications]

Oh good, the BCI give Dublin a new station, only
it turns out the format is shopping channel, infomercial 1.50 txt shite TV. What about a TV station that filmed real Dublin people, their voices opinions, their families, lives, hobbies. Reality TV, real people doing things for the stay at home zappers to watch. Perhaps Harvey will do a special Frank Sinatra Show! with a CD box set on sale during the breaks? come off it BCI/IRTC, your creator Rambo Burke is lying in prison in Dublin 7, and you feel this is the best you can do. Lets move the BCI up the post revolution to do list.