wanted: radio streams

please add web streams to the iLikeRadio.net web stream database [iframe http://ilikeradio.net/streams.html 350 315]

Categorized as radio

radio is my bomb

despite what you might think i did not write this.  I am writing a manifesto for social radio, and I came across this. I know who wrote it, I remember it been written, I can not get over how sharp it still is.  INTRODUCTION This is a second edition of a pamphlet which we brought…

Categorized as radio

social radio

blipping marvelous, it launched in May ’08 and exploded this August blip.fm from Fuzz Artists, Inc is one vision of social radio. Radio from the bottom up not top down. When things are turned on their head the world can seem upside down, a revolution is taking place. Radio listeners are being courted 1Kbit at…

Categorized as radio