Twitter Updates for 2007-08-14

Published Categorized as twitter
  • doop’s new website goes live, why are in house designs the hardest? we love it! #
  • twittermail said I could post by email and if twitter was down it wud
    keep trying, Twitter is ‘down all the days’ oh well as christy wud … #
  • @conn sorted the staged area was locked off and we are still getting hard linked images there – thanks for the nod. we were logged in 🙁 #
  • and the rain came down #
  • new blog post The Socialist Magician, thanx to little sister in Derry who just got Broadband and skype and youtube @ home #
  • we’re going on strike for 12% & 10% we’ll get; we’re doing it all for a reality show so 8% is left (repeat to fade, till 0% is left) #
  • mail server is rejecting emails with 2 addresses on the To: line, like To:, – may not be a new thing! #
  • loving rockbox on my iPod. just converted my playlists to m3u via yamipod and we are cleared for take off of new s/w frontend on my 30&60GBs #

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