Subject: UPCOMING GIGS: Lemmy Hospitalised / Rads Get-together Plan 2 / Weezer & Shamo Gigs …

HOTPRESS EMAIL JULY 2005 from Frank Cronin Motorhead’s Lemmy Kilmister has been hospitalised in Germany suffering from dehydration and exhaustion. The British rocker known to produce no less than 126 decibels during live shows, has been ordered by doctors to take it easy, forcing Motorhead to cancel a handful of European gigs. “When you’re dealing…

MW43: Dr Andrew Morrice – Human Givens College

Listen to Brian Greene’s interview with Andrew Morrice (Human Givens College tutor and General Practitioner) as they discuss the Mind-Body Connection, explore the relationships between the three big E’s (emotions, exercise & eating), mental health and the human givens approach.