via @paulmurphyMEP Treaty now in real danger across Europe – France, Netherlands, Italy – Irish can strike decisive blow

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Press Statement: Paul Murphy MEP (Socialist Party / United Left Alliance)

· Noonan has lessons from Greece all wrong

· Greece represents failure of austerity policies and disaster of
second ‘bailout’

· Treaty now in real danger across Europe – France, Netherlands, Italy
– Irish can strike decisive blow

“Minister Noonan looks at the soup kitchens in Greece and somehow
concludes that the lesson is for the Irish people to quietly accept
the medicine of austerity that is killing the patient. There are many
lessons from Greece – but that is not one of them. The Greek people
are the victims of horrific austerity policies. They have experienced
a second ‘bailout’, which the Irish government currently presents to
us as a charity. The result has been the disastrous.

“The Labour Party should be looking to Greece for a lesson for
themselves. Their sister party, PASOK, has been smashed electorally by
the people of Greece because of their implementation of the Troika
programme. The fate that awaits both Labour and Fine Gael is that
which has befallen PASOK and New Democracy.

“Despite all of the government’s bluster, it is clear that the
Austerity Treaty is in real trouble across Europe. Francois Hollande
has said that the Treaty as is, will not be ratified. The Dutch
government seems unable to ratify it. Now the biggest party in the
Italian government, PDL, has called for the Treaty to be amended.
Across Europe, this Treaty is increasingly a sitting duck. The Irish
people should take the opportunity to strike it another decisive blow
on 31 May, sink this Treaty and join with the millions around Europe
demanding an end to austerity.”