Pete Wylie: Hillsborough – 96 Steps Forward

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But there are other villains in this piece besides Kelvin McKenzie and the Sun…

There was a proven conspiracy from the moment the awful reality dawned that day…
Top cop David Duckinfield briefed within the hour that a gate had been broken down by ‘drunken Liverpool fans’, when in fact he had directly ordered it to be opened! Margaret Thatcher’s spokesman Bernard Ingham also briefed directly to the press etc that fans who were “a tanked-up mob” were responsible – and nobody did or said anything without Maggie’s say so. And the cowardly South Yorkshire Police not only lied, changed officers’ statements, tested the dead including children for alcohol, they then set up a black ops team to ‘manage’ their lying story afterwards. Again, this is acknowledged fact, not conspiracy theory – read Brian Reade’s story.

And class war? Liverpool, and it’s unique independent way of thinking, was Thatcher’s nemesis, and paid the price for resistance over and over

No wonder there’s a new campaign: “EXPOSE THE LIES BEFORE THATCHER DIES.” Because despite the hope brought by the debate on Monday night, there are still fears to be addressed:
Apologies from Thacher, Ingham, The Sun, Kelvin McKenzie, Duckinfield and the police may go some way to soothing the pain. But surely there should be consequences for the frankly evil behaviour perpetrated?

the truth is out today – still won’t buy the sun