@PaulMurphyMEP welcomes announcement on referendum date; Calls for ‘No’ Vote

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Press Statement: Paul Murphy MEP (Socialist Party)  27 March 2012

MEP welcomes announcement on referendum date; Calls for ‘No’ Vote
  • Government must stop scare-mongering
  • Calls for public debate about content and meaning of Treaty
  • Challenges government to dispute fact that this Treaty will mean more cuts

Speaking today following the announcement of the date for the referendum, Socialist Party/ United Left Alliance MEP, Paul Murphy said:

“I welcome the announcement of the date for the referendum on 31st of May. The campaign for a ‘No’ vote on this Austerity Treaty will begin in earnest now. With a vigorous No campaign explaining the consequences of this Treaty, this Treaty can be defeated – a recent Red C poll has the No side on a higher percentage now than at the start of the first Lisbon referendum campaign.

"I and the Socialist Party and the United Left Alliance are campaigning for a rejection of this treaty. It is an attempt to institutionalise austerity into law and will significantly increase cuts in Ireland and across Europe. Austerity policies have destroyed people's lives in Ireland and across Europe. We have mass unemployment, devastation of public services and hundreds of young people leaving the country each week in search of work. They have also resulted in the Irish economy returning to recession and a contraction in the eurozone economy.

"The government will try to portray the Treaty as a foregone conclusion and that Ireland would be 'out in the cold' if we reject it. This is a blatant untruth, this treaty is part of a real debate in Europe, and the ratification is a key debate in the French Presidential election and ratification is also seriously in question in the Netherlands. This is an invitation to join an 'Austerity club'. A huge ‘No’ vote will send a message to the government and European Commission that we do not want to be part of their ‘Austerity Club’ and that austerity has failed. It will further open up the debate that is happening across Europe about this Treaty and austerity in general.

“The government must stop trying to to brow-beat the Irish people into accepting this. The government should use its veto to stop the 'blackmail clause' coming into being. I challenge the government to engage in open public debates with representatives of the No campaign. I challenge the government to dispute the fact that Article 3 of this Treaty will require more cuts and taxes on working people in Ireland and across Europe."