Household Tax site in breach of privacy law

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Press Statement: Paul Murphy MEP (Socialist Party / United Left
Alliance) 4 January 2011

Household Tax site in breach of privacy law

Paul Murphy MEP lodges complaint with Data Commissioner

Socialist Party / United Left Alliance MEP for Dublin and
anti-household tax campaigner, Paul Murphy, has lodged a complaint
with the Data Commissioner about the Household Tax site,

“The government is starting to roll out a massive propaganda campaign
to get people to register for and pay the unjust household tax.
However, the site they are encouraging people to register on is in
breach of the 2011 regulations on “Privacy and Electronic
Communications� which implements EU directives on privacy.

“The website’s privacy statement declares that the site uses ‘session
cookies’ which are erased after use, whereas in fact it uses so-called
‘persistent cookies’ that remain on people’s computers after they
visit the website. This is a breach of the 2011 regulations and I have
made a complaint to the Data Commissioner about it.

“People should not register or pay on this site. Instead, they should
join the Campaign against Household and Water Taxes and work to
establish such mass non-registration and non-payment that this tax
will be uncollectable.�



Note for editor:

The site is in breach of the 2011 regulations
available here
. In particular, it is in breach of section 5, part 3, which reads:

“(3) A person shall not use an electronic communications network to store

information, or to gain access to information already stored in the terminal

equipment of a subscriber or user, unless

(a) the subscriber or user has given his or her consent to that use, and

(b) the subscriber or user has been provided with clear and
comprehensive information in accordance with the Data Protection Acts

(i) is both prominently displayed and easily accessible, and

(ii) includes, without limitation, the purposes of the processing of

the information.�