United Left Alliance launch meeting Kilbarrack 8th June 8pm

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United Left Alliance to be launched in Dublin North East
Joe Higgins TD among the speakers coming to Kilbarrack
Wednesday 8th June Foxhound Inn Kilbarrack 8pm

Speakers – Joe Higgins TD, Cllr Hugh Lewis, Brian Greene
Following its electoral breakthrough in February going from zero to five seats the United Left Alliance has been embarking on a round of local public meetings across Dublin and the country to build its organisation for the fresh battles that lie ahead for working people and the unemployed. Joe Higgins commented ahead of the meeting:
"Promised attacks on working conditions, wages and jobs in all sectors coupled with cuts public services and the certain introduction of water and property taxes demonstrate that this government are more of the same.
"There is a clear crisis of political representation for ordinary people as all the establishment parties sing from the same hymm sheet in terms of supporting the EU/IMF deal.
"The United Left Alliance stands out as a new radical force in Irish politics that stands for struggle against the cutback consensus and for a reorganisition of our economy in the interests of ordinary people. We are keen to establish ULA branches in every community so I urge people to come along to the Dublin North East meeting and hear the alternative."
ULA candidate in Dublin North East in the last election Brian Greene said: "In the local community the cuts will be felt most, and in local communities is where the fight back begins. New taxes to repay the EU/IMF bailout of the banks must be resisted, local residents will not be played off against each other, unity of the communities against the cuts will bring people power to the streets."