Remember the Property Tax 1996?

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Under pressure from the super wealthy in Ireland, Fine Gael & Labour abolished Property Tax in 1996. It was previously levied on the most expensive houses & mansions across Ireland.

The yield from that property tax peaked in 1994 at 14 million pounds and had fallen to 12 million pounds by 1995. Under pressure from press barons and talk show radio hosts representing the interests of the super rich the then rainbow government of Fine Gael, Labour & Democratic Left (now leading members of the Labour Party) scrapped that property tax.

Now Fine Gael & Labour reintroduce a household tax for ALL homes.

Back in 1995 77% of Property Tax collected was on homes in the Dublin area source: Dail answer by Minister for Finance Ruari Quinn

1996 v 2012: The banks that made mega bucks from selling mortgages on homes are now being bailed out by the same home owners. Enough is Enough.

We need to broaden the tax base. We need to seriously tax wealth. 

That same government were forced to abolish water taxes in December 1996. A campaign called the Federation of Anti Water Charges Campaigns led tens of thousands of households in a non payment boycott of that charge making its collection unworkable while winning the arguments about the unjust nature of that double tax.

Now the veterans of that campaign along with newer forces are taking the Household Tax issue to a national level.

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