please sir can we have some more #fish

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please europe can we have some more of our fish

The Marine minister has come back from Europe with a deal on how much and of what type fish the Irish fleet can catch.

Ireland an island nation with huge fishing sectors around all coasts and we share the fishing rights with other countries of the european union.

Cod stocks are dangerously low see ear to the ground (RTE 13/12/2011) 16:14minsĀ!v=1126596

So the industry / science / politics has the cod stock where it is. We the people don’t eat enough fresh cod here in Ireland to be the cause of the decline. So these stake holders ignore calls to ban cod catching, decrease the cod catch by 25% and I have yet to read have there changed policy on dumping the cod they catch that they can’t land. A practice that is vey wateful under capitalism. Surley there must be a way to land above quota and use the catch for social good.

We are being over fished. Dec 3rd I wondered if there was much fish left at sea. To find this out you need a survey.

@briangreene Tweeted Dec 3rd. Plenty more fish in the sea! are there? Marine Institute – The Stock Book 2011

@ellamcsweeney Tweeted Dec 17th By all accounts Coveney has negotiated a good deal for Irish fishermen. If fish could vote, however, I’m not sure they’d tick his box…

@JimHigginsMEP & Pat the cope Gallagher welcome the deal.

further reading: Conor McCabe in “Forgotten Faces of Capitalism in Ireland, Agriculture and Fishing” deals with Irish fishing and its relationship to the Irish economy.

“Class relations in fishing are somewhat different from those in manufacturing industry or agriculture in Ireland. The ease with which international capital has penetrated the fishing industry is a feature of the lack of a big, native bourgeois class controlling fishing in this country. In agriculture, as we see, there is a definite presence of a big bourgeois or rancher class, fractions of which have certain contradictions with international capitalism.”