Joe Higgins MEP calls on Finance Bill to be postponed until after General Election

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Press Statement   23/1/2011

Finance Bill Must Be Postponed Until After Election

*Should be unthinkable that a discredited Government with no mandate
could push draconian Finance Bill through Dail;

*Fine Gael and Labour Party facilitation of fast tracking Finance Bill
utterly cynical and opportunistic:
Joe Higgins MEP / The Socialist Party

“The Finance Bill contains the savage provisions of the IMF/EU deal by
which the economic lifeblood of the Irish people is to be poured into
a rescue of European banks as a result of massive attacks on living
standards and public services. It should be unthinkable that the
Fianna Fail/Green Party Government which has not a shred of legitimacy
or credibility should be allowed to push this legislation through.

“The readiness of the Labour Party and Fine Gael to facilitate the
fast tracking of this Bill is utterly cynical and opportunistic. It
betrays the reality that these parties have no alternative to the
IMF/EU cuts. However, they wish the remnants of the current government
to push it though so that they can then blame them for its horrendous
consequences on the lives of ordinary people.

“The contents of the Finance Bill should be the main issue at the
heart of the debate during the General Election campaign. In this way
all political parties would be forced to lay out their proposals in a
way that was clearly seen by the voters.”