Europe: for the millions rather than the millionaires

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·        Referendum must be held on summit agreement
·        ‘Austerity union’ would be disastrous for people across Europe
·        Socialist Party will be to fore in campaigning for a
referendum and for a no vote

Socialist Party TDs Joe Higgins and Clare Daly, together with
Socialist Party MEP , Paul Murphy, have called for a referendum to be
held on the outcome of the European summit, which will entail a
significant transfer of power in budgetary matters from the Dail to
the European Commission, Council and Court of Justice. The Socialist
Party will be campaigning vigorously for a referendum and for a no
vote if a referendum is held.

Paul Murphy MEP declared:

“Any attempt by this government to avoid going to the people on this
agreement must be vigorously resisted. The outcome of the summit
represents a serious attack on democratic rights and an attempt to
institutionalise austerity. People have a right to have a say on such
a significant transfer of power from national parliaments to the EU
and enshrining of austerity, which will have such a major impact on
their lives. It certainly seems that any attempt to avoid a referendum
would be a breach of the Crotty judgement, as this agreement without a
doubt involves a significant transfer of powers to the EU.

“The ‘fiscal stability union’ being proposed is an austerity union,
with neo-liberalism  locked into countries’ constitutions and
supervised by the European Commission and Council. The results of this
would be disastrous for the whole of Europe, just as the EU/IMF plans
being implemented in Ireland, Greece and Portugal have further wrecked
the economies of all three countries and thrown millions into misery.

“I and the Socialist Party will be to the fore in campaigning for a
referendum and calling for a no vote in such a referendum. In opposing
this austerity union, we will be putting forward an alternative of a
genuinely democratic and socialist Europe, which is run for the
millions rather than the millionaires and where resources would be
used to get people back to work rather than paying for the gambling
debts of speculators.�