By mid 90’s people *driving* across Europe should be able to tune into favourite radio programmes in hi-fi (via DAB) #radio

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Radio sans frontieres: By the mid 1990s, people driving across Europe should be able to tune into their favourite radio programmes in hi-fi wherever they are

New Scientist 20 July 1991 by BARRY FOX
Magazine issue 1778.

Imagine driving the length of Britain, over the Channel and across Europe, listening all the time to the same radio station. The sound is in digital stereo, which gives it the same quality as that from a compact disc. There is no interference, and none of the fading and fluttering that normally blemish reception as you drive past tall buildings, over hills and down valleys. There is no need to keep retuning the radio because the chosen station remains on the same frequency throughout Europe – although, of course, you could retune to alternative national, international or local stations if you wanted to.

All this and more will be possible with a new telecommunications system called digital audio broadcasting. DAB is a jigsaw of broadcasting technologies that is nearing completion after just four years of collaborative research by Europe’s telecommunications industry…..