Anti Household Tax forum set for Teachers Club Next Saturday

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Clare Daly TD
Joe Higgins TD
Joan Collins TD

poster launch for next weeks national forum against the household and water taxes.

National Organising Forum Against the Household Tax to take place Saturday 10th September, 1:30pm, Teachers Club, 36 Parnell Square, Dublin.

Early steps have well begun in organising mass national campaign of non-payment

“Fine Gael and Labour will introduce a household tax on 1st January 2012 and then intend replacing it with a property tax and a water tax in 2014.

“The household tax will affect 85% of all households. It will start at €100 but it will increase sharply. Economist and government advisor John Fitzgerald of the ESRI are saying that the property and taxes should raise an average of around €1,200 from each household a year.

“These taxes represent a deliberate attempt to severely undermine the living standards of ordinary people in order to pay for the failed bank bailouts and the disastrous austerity measures implemented so far. Ordinary people pay the price but the rich and big business face no tax hikes and get off scott free.

“A nationwide mass non-payment campaign, the ‘Campaign Against the Household and Water Taxes’ has been initiated by key figures from the struggles against the water charges campaigns of the 1980s and 90s and the more recent battle against the Bin Tax.

“The Campaign Against the Household and Water Taxes is convening a national meeting in the Teacher’s Club, Parnell Square, Dublin on Saturday the 10th of September starting at 1.30pm. It is hoped that people who want to fight the household tax from around the country will attend to discuss how a campaign of mass non-payment of the tax should be organised and that later in September and in October that the campaign will be launched in all areas.