TDs Daragh O'Brien, Michael Kennedy, James Reilly and Trevor Sargent, as well as Cllr Tom O'Leary met Michael O'Leary of Ryanair this morning.
They heard of O'Leary's plans for 300 low wage jobs in Dublin, in order for this to happen the Govt. must deal with an anti union boss, that refuses to deal with the Dublin Airport Authority (who lease the buildings) and Ryanair's hangup about Hangar 6 means that they have Enda Kenny suggesting that the current tenant could be evicted.
1. Ryanair didn't bid for the SRT pieces.
2. The Government let 1000+ employees and apprentices down when they let the former Team Aer Lingus jobs go letting SRT' billionaire owners cut and run.
3. O'Leary is a self confessed bully. He knows his tactics will soon be counter-productive for his business and is set to retire.
This Government wont save jobs or create any when they seek high unemployment as a stick to beat workers with as they seek low wage economy just like Ryanair do.
What is Michael O'Leary's case for Hangar 6. He doesn't have wide bodies aircraft to service. Hangar 6 is wide bodied. Dublin Airport is a major international airport.
Hear some back ground to this on Morning Ireland this morning.
[Gerry Byrne, aviation journalist, says hangar six at Dublin Airport was designed to handle wide-bodied aircraft, but Ryanair does not have any wide-bodied aircraft]

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