Brickfield / Seagrange Park South zoning victory

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Statement on Brickfield Rezoning vote 15/03/2010

"Urgent action required or community will be forced to intervene."

"Monday's Development Plan vote saw 22 councillors (out of 22 present) reject the rezoning on Brickfield at the South end of Seagrange. Following such resounding rejection any future rezoning of this land must be a non starter. " says Brian Greene Public Rep. Socialist Party Dublin North East.

The same land faced two votes during the creation of the 2005-2011 Development Plan and also a plan for a variation in 2008. Public pressure defeated these moves. The residents of Sutton Park & Baldoyle will not tolerate erosion of open spaces nor will they tolerate planned dereliction of the site or the disused council depot.  

During the past few weeks the general perception has developed that noting will be happening anywhere in the county because of lack of funds in these new economic times. Councillors and Officials that harbour such ideas must stand aside and let creative communities apply community uses to community land if they lack the creativity and vision to move this impasse along. 

"For over thirty years the area surrounding Brickfied has been let fall into further disrepair. Enough is enough. If this area is further neglected by its owners or the council the community will be left with no choice but to take action. The only power that has saved Seagrange Park zoning has been People Power. This vote sends the strongest message to council, cash strapped or not, urgent action to remedy the ugliness of the area is required. Failure to act is no longer an option in Seagrange Park." according to Mr. Greene

Socialist Party online petition was presented to councillors ahead of Mondays vote. 
Development Plan vote was on three combined motions from Socialist Party Labour & Fine Gael 

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