RTÉ anywhere / Lady Gaga

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as i retro test a pocket PC 4 (HP IPAQ) i can watch RTE News Now [1] live in my hand licence exempt. the windows stream is the one that works and just as well because the realplayer stream is about 25 frames and hour. Pictured is the RTÉ newscaster Siún Nic Gearailt [2] and somebody has been falsifying her wikipedia entry, there's no way I would have thought she was passed her 40th birthday.

While I was watching the news stream I noticed the scroller, very readable! and it stated "Lady Gaga confirms she wants to have children, in 10 years time" FFS that is not news worthy, come on RTÉ people are floating in their homes, the country is ruined by the guys that built these homes on floodplains and the RTÉ news ticker has Lady Gaga fertility choices for 2019, what has news casting come to?

[1] http://www.rte.ie/live/?news
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Si%C3%BAn_Nic_Gearailt

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