Stano = wxtc podcast #24

Published Categorized as music, podcast

on this podacst I speak to Stano. [myspace]

Born John Denver Stanley, Dublin 1960, Stano grew up in Artane and showed no inclination towards a ‘musical’ career as a child. Attending the local Christian brothers school and then the technical college, his first choice of lifestyle was that of the army. After five months there he settied down to become a carpenter But Stano had always been a non-conformist. His early schooldays had been chequered by a rebellious streak and at the tech. he had been noticed for his distinctive writing abiiities. Even though an avid fan of Bob Dylan’s, it wasn’t until punk happened that Stano took an active interest in rock music. During the late seventiff!early eighties, Stano hung around the Dublin punk scene, went to gigs, and befriended Johnny ‘Rotten’ Lydon of The Sex Pistols, who then often came to Ireland to get away from the hustle and bustle of London’s whirligig music business. Stimulated by the energy of punk, Stano teamed up with Dublin combo The Threat and started to play synthesiser. Purveyors of a gritty ultrarealist sound their first single ‘Lullaby in C’l’High Cost of Living, (Web 1980) was well received and made British radio airplay. Like a lot of groups of the punk period they didn’t stay the course and broke up after a short time. more

see also 
