Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig

Published Categorized as politics

Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig ar chlann mhór dhomhanda na nGael, sa bhaile agus ar fud na cruinne, ar ár lá náisiúnta ceiliúrtha. [via Irish Emigrant Publications]

A very happy St Patrick’s Day to all those taking part in this year’s festivities which link Ireland’s global family and its many friends in a huge celebration ‘of the green’ all over the world. It was Irish emigrants who introduced their vibrant culture to a multitude of new homelands and we have them to thank for the tide of affection and enthusiasm which the name of St Patrick evokes far and wide. Today a prosperous Ireland is itself attracting immigrants from many far-off shores and they are adding greatly to our legendary cultural buoyancy. The Irish love of music, dance, fun and friendship will be showcased in every continent thanks to the work of countless committees whose passion for Ireland and her unique heritage has seen the St Patrick’s Day pageant grow into a truly global phenomenon. I thank them all for this outstanding network which connects Ireland to her children and her friends in such a joyful way. I hope that their commitment and dedication will be repaid by the best St Patrick’s Day celebrations ever.


Enjoy them wherever you are and may St Patrick bless each one of you.

Categorized as politics