Grace Kelly 1929 – 1982

its no surprise my favicon & fav icon of screen is Grace Kelly. September 14th 2007 marks the 25th anniversary of her untimly death in a car crash in 1982. [biog] [news] [book]

RTÉ 252LW off air temporarily

RTE are still testing 252LW with Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) signal beyond the end of publicly stated tests. They tested up to 6am on Saturday the 8th September and stopped leaving a silent carrier until 12:09 pm (6 hours later) when the 252LW tx was switched off. It returned two minutes later with RTE Radio…

from 09/05/07 to 05/09/07 boom to bust

this shot of the front of the daily express (ireland:yuk) is from mid election campaign in ireland, feel good factor headline. Any one got last thursdays evening herald snapped?

Twitter Updates for 2007-09-03

mmbhg is home from B’ham ~~~ Back at base, bugs in the software Flash the message "Something’s out there" # trevor dann (radio academy) ask me was i the arse blogger. he didnt believe i wasnt. another fan of the AB podcast # Embargo Embargo Embargo – whats news! # Powered by Twitter Tools.

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Twitter Updates for 2007-09-01

Metrics music measurement community social radio content creativity are buzzin words @podcampuk 2007 day1 apols 4 low volume # Just finnished warm up set 45min for band ‘estaban’ who are on stage now # LOL I got nudged by twitter as I failed to twitter is the last 24hrs as of 4PM when did that…

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