Published Categorized as politics

[from which BHG supports] A Rally on Saturday 20 May at 2pm outside St. Patrick’sCathedral. Dublin.  A picket also will take place at Michael McDowells Office on Friday 19 May  at 6.30pm (The Triangle Ranelagh)
Integrating Ireland today called on the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform to listen to the concerns of the men on hunger strike at St. Patrick’s Cathedral and to act in order to prevent further threat to these men’s lives. The serious action these men have taken is reflective of the desperation felt in their community. They fear being deported back to Afghanistan, a country still at war, with a very poor human rights record and currently deemed unsafe by the Department of Foreign Affairs which advises Irish people not to travel there.

why wont  Michael McDowell see that 100 people were killed in fighting on Thursday in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is home to international forces fighting the so called ‘war on terror’ Afghanistan is at war. …. PEOPLE OF IRELAND WAKE UP… this rotten govt must go, regime change begins at home. btw if you think nothing can be done or McDowell wont turn, he did before.

Categorized as politics