emusic.com cancelled

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I just remembered to cancel my subscription to emusic.com before the
free trial ended and before the charge kicks in for October. I cant
remember what the charge would be but around €14, on leaving they
offered 20 tracks over 30 days for €7.99 but I declined, reason being
not enough chart, or folk or oldies, on test 1:10 of what I searched
for was there, I did get a Rodrigo y Gabriela album and a 3 part Radio
Caroline documentary.

While 99c to iTunes seems too much for 5MB of audio with some really
crappy 128Kbit codecs and stupid DRM on iTunes a recurring bill is not
what I was after either. I have spent €120 on digital music in 10
months, but to be locked into a service without 90% of what I’m
looking for would be foolish. The system is not as slick as iTunes nor
as slick as alltunes which have less overhead in multiple downloads. I
wish emusic.com every success, god knows Apple need an underdog
competitor that can whip their ass.

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