Radio in the iPOD Age: report

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On Saturday afternoon I attended the ÉIST – Great Radio Debate “Radio in the iPOD Age”

speakers were
Celene Craig, Deputy Chief Executive and Secretary Broadcasting Commission of Ireland
Andrea Martin, Media Lawyer
Willie O’ Reilly, Chief Executive Today fm
Kieran Mc Geary, Chief Executive Beat 102 103
Fiona Stack, Editor Newstalk 106

The event was poorly attended (15 people) for I thought the topic was pretty hot. The debate was recorded for web download, odd that, the Independent Broadcasters Association will podcast a debate rather than broadcast it.

Eist put forward an experienced panel who gave and reflected the industry fears and wants around the future of their industry with the advent of iPOD type casting.

I hope to link to the download as soon as its available and if not, I will host my own low level recording of the event.

In brief, there was an acceptance that the technology had arrived but varying degrees of understanding of its current uses. While not being totally fearful of its [podcasting] arrival, there is general unease at its potential knock on effects for traditional spot advertising on Irish radio.

Willie O’ Reilly (Today FM) had a Sci-Fi moment and mapped out what radio could be like in 2030, spreading fear among the assembled for the long term future on their careers.

I spoke from the floor from the podcasters point of view. The debate was lively and very interesting, the radio industry seem ready to embrace the technology and more importantly the social advance that podcasting is sure to offer.