Nickelodeon Europe FTV

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11895 V SR27500 FEC2/3
It scans as a scrambled station with ID MTV Interactive with one sound carrier left English and right Hungarian so the kiddies can sample something other than cbeebies and tiny pop 🙂 and learn Hungarian (they’re learning French from Tiny POP!)

I found this GEM as I lost ITV News on 10832 it now seems to live at 10714.

Next weekend I hope to errect the 1M dish with rotator and hook it to DVB card on Linux FC4 🙂 its been 4 months with out VDR, on second thoughts I might see more if I hook the DVB card to a windows box with enough ram to decode screen and record. options options and so little time. One way or another I hope to have it up before Live8. A MPEG4 recording of Live8 would be great, if your looking for clean feeds and downlinks of the 6 venues on J2 & J6 email me