can ireland take a third (turd) term of Bertie?
houses built of cheese
Anglo Irish Conspiracy #6 taking podcasts to a higher place. no drugs or cheese were hurt in the making of this podcast.
Arctic Monkeys’ announce Malahide support
[source] Supergrass, The Coral and Delorentos. What no Malahide bands? Like Director. But if the wind is in the right direction the sounds may be heard in Portrane where Delorentos hail from. How will the sound travel? the same way the smell of the proposed treatment plant in Portrane will travel to Malahide, in the…
mother bored
first invented for children’s entertainment and folksy guitar playing this model went on to greater things. {final upgrade of eprom chip before switch on} shane hegarty has a election piece on time past over on the blogs
Irish Health
as seen by fox news DUBLIN, Ireland — A Dublin hospital apologized Thursday for telling a family their relative was dead, only to discover he was still alive when the morticians arrived. The patient, identified only as a disabled man in his 30s, was checked in to the Mater Hospital in inner north Dublin during the Easter period, where…
There are some things money can’t buy [rpt]
Overpriced land for new prison – €30 million MIT Europe Fiasco – €40 million An electronic voting system that can’t be used – €52 million A payroll system that pays staff 1 million a month – €160 million Having a government that blows our cash – Priceless There are some things money can’t buy –…
Airbrushed Politics
I needed a source to prove i wasn’t hearing things. And it goes further, the Oireachtas Report script writers are auto correcting Enda Kenny’s chlorosporidum to be cryptsporidum. Yesterday I noticed that the Dail stenographers are doing the same, make a mistake and they will fix it. so the source is in real media here…
regina spektor
as heard in the vodafone ireland advert with Hotel Song, Regina has been on the radar here for ages. enjoy this one called US.
Chloro or Cryptosporidium
[see also: airbrushed politics] repeatedly the leader of Fine Gael said in yesterdays Leaders Questions in the Irish Parliament “Chlorosporidium” when others call it Cryptosporidium wikipedia Trivia says “Cryptosporidium infected the drinking water of Galway, Ireland in March 2007, causing many illnesses.” :::: I remember a Cryptosporidium outbreak in Scotland in 2000, may have caused…