TD Picker

Alternative electronic voting with a TeDdy Picker star prizes Lets have a game on the Teddy Picker Not quick enough can I have it quicker? Already thick and you’re getting thicker Asuming that all things are equal, Who’d want to be men of the people When there’s people like you? (Artic Monkeys – teddy picker…

Categorized as election

just added to my domains bank this links to the socialist party website in ireland where the election 2007 site is now up.

gmail & twitter down at the same time

hows me blog? ok really early days… the longest warrior of the web in Irish Music Eleanor McEvoy‘s new blog is under development. like doop, eleanor progressed in podcasting via myspace before back tracking to blogs as a medium. more later. Photo by Oscar Bedwyn,, April 15, 2007

c30 c60 c90

conor pope blogs over on the Irish Times ‘cassette death’ & I comment long live the compact cassette (CC). while curry’s may not stock it. the glut of journalist interviews recorded via CC over the decades are still on those treasured tapes in bank vaults. think of the student (Jim Duffy) that taped Brian Lenihan…